Resources and contacts

If you’d like to register as a member of the PRO Alliance or wish to find out more about our projects, please contact us.

011 803 5063

Unit 4, Woodview Office Park, 1 Humber Road, Woodmead, Sandton, 2146

If you wish to engage directly with one of the producer responsibility organisations or stakeholder associations, please use the links below:

  1. Aerosols – Aerosol Manufacturers Association of South Africa (AMASA)
  2. Paper and paper packaging – Fibre Circle
  3. Metals – Metpac
  4. PET plastic and Liquid Board Packaging – PETCO
  5. Plastics – Polyco
  6. Glass – The Glass Recycling Company
  7. Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Lighting and Paper and Packaging Sectors – EPR Waste Association of South Africa (eWASA)
  8. African Reclaimers Organisation (ARO)
  9. South Africa Local Government Association (SALGA
  10. South African Waste Pickers Association (SAWPA)